Release from 24.06.2024

FACC apprentices achieve podium positions at the WKÖ apprentice competition

FACC apprentices regularly achieve top placings in apprentice competitions. This success story of the FACC Future Team continues seamlessly this year.

663 apprentices from the industrial sector took part in the WKO Upper Austria apprenticeship competition on 20 April 2024 to compete with their colleagues in various specialist areas. The annual competition is organised in cooperation with the Upper Austrian Association of Training Managers. The winners were officially announced and honoured on 18 June 2024 at the Sandburg Linz. FACC was represented by five apprentices - all of whom graduated with the grade "Very good" or "Good" - an impressive team performance! In addition, three podium places were achieved: Daniel Parzmair achieved 2nd place and Elias Lang 3rd place in fibre composite technology. Stefanie Wambacher achieved an impressive result with 3rd place in the design engineering category.

FACC CEO Robert Machtlinger congratulated the award winners and recognised in particular the importance of apprenticeships as a model of success for young people: "The success of the FACC Future Team makes me particularly proud and shows that we are at the forefront of the industry with our apprenticeship training. Our apprentices are internationally successful in their careers. Their expertise and experience are an important asset for the future."

Apprenticeship as a career boost

FACC is one of the top 75 aerospace companies in the world. This means that all doors are open to graduates of an apprenticeship in the international world of aerospace. Apprenticeships are offered in the fields of fibre composite technology, design, metal technology/machining technology, process technology, information technology/systems engineering, purchasing and application development/coding. FACC's appreciation of its youngest team members is also reflected in the total of seven weeks' holiday for apprentices at FACC and free lunch in the canteen. In addition, the costs for the driving licence are covered if the apprenticeship is completed with good results. The FACC Future Team currently consists of 42 people, including 15 girls and 27 boys.
About FACC

FACC is a worldwide leading aerospace company in design, development and production of aerospace technologies and advanced aircraft lightweight systems. Being the technology partner of all major manufacturers, FACC works together with its customers on developing solutions for the mobility of the future. Every second, there is an aircraft taking off with FACC technology on board. In the fiscal year 2023, FACC achieved 736 million Euro in revenues. More than 3,700 people from +50 nations are employed at 15 international locations worldwide. The company is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. For more information please visit


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FACC apprentices achieve podium positions at the WKÖ apprentice competition
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Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling
Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling, MA
Corporate Spokesperson
Cell: +43/664/80119-2089