Release from 28.11.2023

Martina Hamedinger becomes new Vice President HR at FACC AG

As of 1 January 2024, Martina Hamedinger will be responsible for Human Resources at FACC AG. She will take over from Georg Horacek, who will take his well-deserved retirement at the end of the year, but will continue to support the company as an advisor until March 2024.

Over the past 18 months, FACC AG has successfully increased its workforce by around 600 to around 3,500 employees – a further increase of up to 500 employees is planned in the coming months. In her new function as VP Human Resources at FACC AG, Martina Hamedinger will play a leading role in this enormous increase in personnel and will be responsible for recruiting, the implementation of the group-wide HR strategy as well as national and international personnel development and training.

Strongest growth in the history of aviation

"The aviation industry is currently experiencing the strongest growth in its history - the area of human resources has a key role to play in this ramp-up. With Mrs Hamedinger, we are relying on an experienced manager who knows the company extremely well and will provide further innovative impulses. I wish Martina Hamedinger all the best for her new role," emphasises CEO Robert Machtlinger.

"Shaping the future world of work is one of the most important tasks for companies to be successful in the long term. I am very much looking forward to this new challenge in a highly exciting environment and to developing solutions and concepts together with the HR team so that FACC can continue to fully exploit its growth potential," emphasises Martina Hamedinger.


Martina Hamedinger completed a degree in International Business Administration at Johannes Kepler University Linz and subsequently started her career at an international personnel service provider in 2006, where she gained experience in the field of International Business Development and as a branch manager. Born in Upper Austria, she has held various HR positions at FACC since 2011, most recently as Senior HR Business Partner, where she was in charge of key HR projects at FACC.
About FACC

FACC is a worldwide leading aerospace company in design, development and production of aerospace technologies and advanced aircraft lightweight systems. Being the technology partner of all major manufacturers, FACC works together with its customers on developing solutions for the mobility of the future. Every second, there is an aircraft taking off with FACC technology on board. In the fiscal year 2023, FACC achieved 736 million Euro in revenues. More than 3,700 people from +50 nations are employed at 15 international locations worldwide. The company is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange. For more information please visit


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Martina Hamedinger becomes new Vice President HR at FACC AG
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Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling
Jakob Reichsöllner-Frischling, MA
Corporate Spokesperson
Cell: +43/664/80119-2089